About Us


Our Mission

Juliette & Hazel Children's Specialty Apparel is dedicated to designing 100% handmade apparel that allows ease of dressing preemie infants through children size 5T, who encounter challenges caused by medical appliance/device restrictions and mobility challenges. Our apparel is NICU-Friendly for preemies through infancy, in addition to, traditional and adaptive apparel. We look forward to our specialty apparel helping reduce the time it takes to dress your child, so they can enjoy more special moments, in styles they deserve. 

Our Storymother holding infant newborns tiny hand

Our parenthood journey began in 2016 with the birth of our 1st daughter, Juliette, who was delivered via emergency c-section at 38 weeks weighing just 3 lbs.14 oz., caused by Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Her low birth weight required a 9-day NICU stay and sent us on our uncertain NICU journey. 

Although we dreamt of welcoming baby Juliette home into her beautifully decorated nursery, our reality shifted to feeding tubes, monitors, and suspenseful medical updates, as I healed from the emergency C-Section. As a first-time mother, I was in a state of shock to be separated instantly from this wonderful life God created. As parents, we both felt deep undue stress throughout the next 9 days and beyond. 

Looking back at our journey, we couldn't change the necessary path of medical interventions, but I certainly would improve my post-partum experience by creating a moment of normalcy with my newborn. Even if that moment meant having garments that fit her tiny body and did not interfere with her tubes or monitors. Such a desire might seem vain, but there is a profound significance that is wholesome and therapeutic to post-partum healing.  

Since sewing has been my passion for as long as I could remember, I finally knew where it was needed and the lives it could honor; our tiny mighty warriors of the NICU and children who are restricted by medical devices or physical mobility.

In 2023, we were so proud to introduce our handmade NICU-Friendly keepsake garments, designed with great intention for preemie and IUGR infants, from sizes 2 lbs. up to 4 lbs. Now, we have expanded our apparel line inspired by our 2nd born daughter, Hazel, who endured a 4-month cranial helmet therapy which identified the opportunity to create apparel to remove the challenge of dressing an infant with medical appliances/devices. We're honored to be your infant's 1st keepsake, offering special occasion designs for your little ones, from birth and beyond.

We hope our line encourages uplifting moments this uncertain NICU journey and parenthood can bring, so you may capture memories in heartwarming styles your mighty one deserves.

With our hands on our hearts, we send you hope during your journey!

Evelyn Casillas, Mother / Creative Designer & Garment Seamstress 

Alex Casillas, Father / Business Management Director